Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's Wednesday....

Hey there fellow bloggers and and friends..... its Wednesday. I found out that unfortunately Wednesday is a term that means you smoke marijuana before school? lol I think I will just stick with its humpday! Middle of the week. I am just curious, how many of you start to slow down by Wednesday and how many of you start picking up the slack? Or perhaps, does it matter which Wednesday it is? For me this morning has been a bit sluggish. I just finished eating some breakfast that I couldn't finish eating. I just sort of lost my appetite. And I am now mentally preparing myself or a few hours of study and then training, but I am procrastinating by writing to the open about Wednesdays. Which by the way, doesn't everyone hate how its spelled? I have to say in my head "wed-nes-day" everytime I go to write it. Well anyway, I figured I would check in with a mid-week blog. My studies are going great so far! I am loving learning more and more about personal training and nutrition. I love talking about it to people; and the support I ae recieved from total strangers I meet through it all has been amazing! Every little bit helps! Today I need to map out a sample workout by the end of the day so I can post it on my facebook. I NEED A GOOD CAMERA! In the meantime its off to the world of anatomy and kinesiology and sipping down the rest of this orange juice. Happy wednesday! May we all be productive and stress free today!


  1. Where did you hear that? I have never seen that before lol There isn't anything wrong with doing a little writing before studying, it gets the mind in ponder and think mode. Hahaha It took me forever, like this year, to figure out how to spell it.

    Anyway your blog looks great!! and the music is a nice touch. I hope your studying goes fantastic and maybe you can help me be healthy! You can totally practice your healthy stuff with me!!!

    =) Stephie

  2. Certainly will! I read it on urban dictionary, lol. When you come home this weekend, we might go on a Sunday morning stroll up in skyline. :)
